The Peres Academic Center would never have been established had I not met the President of the Israel, the late Shimon Peres.
In one of our encounters, I told Shimon about my dream as a lifelong educator, to establish a different kind of academic institution. More social-minded, more personal, the kind that would be attentive to each and every student and would realize that each of them has something unique to offer that no one else has.
Shimon listened carefully, and as was his way, delivered a detailed and well thought out theory on education that perfectly matched what I perceive of as the essence of an academic education. That very meeting gave me the strength to establish, at my personal initiative, the Peres Academic Center – my life’s work.
The Peres Academic Center reflects many of Shimon’s qualities: the right to dream big, the desire to fulfil those dreams and the knowledge that if you believe in yourself, remain optimistic and stay on track – you will be able to go a lot further than you can imagine.
I and the entire staff at the Peres Academic Center, will gladly be there for you throughout your journey: from the first day of study until the first day of your career; or as we call it: one-on-one all the way to your career.
Ofra Elul
Founder and Director of the Peres Academic Center