Peres Academic Center believes that higher education is a wonderful basis for student community activity. We believe that students are meant to lead and affect change, mitigate social gaps, and empower disadvantaged communities, and communities with special needs. Students’ participation in community work leads to the development of social awareness, personal and community responsibility, cultivation of leadership, satisfaction, and personal empowerment.
Each year, our students are active in a scope of thousands of accumulated hours of activity, in dozens of community organizations and associations, affecting change and impacting the future of Israeli society.
“VeAhavta” is a program encouraging BA students to take part in social change in return for academic credits equivalent to an elective/humanities course. Two academic credits are equal to 52 hours of community activity, performed according to the activity’s requirements.
Recognition of academic credits for community activity is only permitted once throughout your BA, and is subject to the procedures applying to your specific academic program.
Please note: the Center recognizes IDF reserve duty, for a consecutive period of 14 days or more during a semester, as activity entitling BA students to receive two academic credits, equivalent to an elective BA course. Recognition of reserve duty for the purpose of academic credits is only permitted once during your BA, subject to the procedures applying to your specific academic program.
The number of academic credits which may be converted to social activity and/or reserve duty in all various departments:
Business administration – 2 credits, equivalent to a humanities elective BA course, may be converted to community activity, and additionally 2 credits, equivalent to a humanities elective BA course, may be converted into reserve duty.
Health systems – 2 credits, equivalent to an elective BA course, may be converted into community activity or reserve duty.
Social sciences – 2 credits, equivalent to an elective BA course, may be converted into community activity or reserve duty.
Nutrition – 2 credits, equivalent to an elective BA course, may be converted into community activity or reserve duty.
Law studies – 2 credits, equivalent to an elective course from the interdisciplinary cluster or the legal cluster, may be converted into community activity or reserve duty.
How to join the program?
Explore the various “VeAhavta” organizations and programs, categorized by target population, geographical location, activity days and hours, and the nature of activity. Please note that the nature of the activity changes from one program to the other. Therefore, it’s important that you not only be interested in the relevant issue, but also be compatible with the program’s requirements. Click here to view the organizations and programs.
Did you find a program? Great! Fill out the “VeAhavta” registration form. We recommend filling out at least three priorities, so we can allow you to join another program, in case your highest priority is not available for any reason. Click here to view the registration form.
After sending the registration form, and during the next few days, please wait for the Welfare and Community Involvement Department to contact you for an interview, expectations coordination, mutual compatibility, and suitable placement.
Couldn’t find a program? That’s okay. Contact us, and let’s examine other options with mutual compatibility.
Please note: students participating in this program must submit monthly activity hour reports for the approved program, in accordance with requirements.