Peres Academic Center is committed to promoting academic excellence, while providing an equal opportunity for any person to access education, including students with attention and concentration disorders and with learning disorders. In concurrence with this vision, and in the spirit of the law on Rights of Students with Learning Disabilities at Post-Secondary School Institutions, Peres Academic Center operates a support center for students with attention and concentration disorders and with learning disorders.
The Center provides students with support and tools for dealing with academic challenges, and works to empower them in various ways, starting with general counseling and reference to diagnoses, through exam adjustments, support and assistance and ending with raising the academic staff members’ awareness of the students’ special academic needs.
Personal meetings to develop learning skills
Each student is invited to turn to Adar Richlis, who is responsible for the field of providing accessibility to learning skills, to set personal meetings to improve the learning skills, the conduct, and being examined. The sessions are modified to the individual goals of each student and include studying and improvement of learning strategies in several aspects, such as; time management, getting organized and organizing learning materials, reading and comprehension of academic articles, methods to summarize literal material, coding, and memorizing techniques, conduct during exams, coping with open material exams, dealing with closed questionnaires (American Questions).
To coordinate a meeting, apply to the mail: [email protected]
During the school year, group workshops on those subjects will take place.
Diagnoses and examination conditions modifications
The Peres Academic Center allows students with learning disabilities and/or having attention and concentration problems to be examined under modified examination conditions (for example, exam's time extension, typing on a computer) to limit as much as possible the influence of the learning disabilities on the execution during the exam. Obtaining modified exam conditions is subject to submitting appropriate diagnostics to the Students' Deanship.
Students with learning disabilities
Acceptable types of diagnoses:
Accepted will be a didactic/psych-didactic diagnosis prepared by a qualified professional. The diagnosis report must include a clear clinical diagnosis and reasoning for recommending modified examination conditions. Students who received modified exam conditions in other academic institutions must also submit those.
The diagnosis must be current, meaning a diagnosis conducted not later than six years ago (except for students diagnosed after 18 years).
Students who do not have a current diagnosis are invited to turn to Adar, the Learning Skills Coordinator, to obtain assistance in coordinating a diagnosis.
Obtaining a confirmation for modifications in exams:
After an examination and review of the diagnosis, the student will receive by e-mail a confirmation detailing the modified conditions to which they are entitled during the test.
The Peres Academic Center is not obligated to accept verbatim the recommendations regarding the modifications by any diagnostic entity. Every submission will be examined following the common procedures in the Center.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Acceptable types of diagnoses/prognoses:
The person qualified to diagnose ADHD is a neurologist, psychiatrist, or psychologist specializing in ADHD.
Computerized tests for determining ADHD (such as TOVA/MOXO) are not self-sufficient. With the results of such tests, it is necessary to turn to a qualified person for a medical diagnosis and recommendations on how to be examined.
The diagnosis must be current, meaning a diagnosis conducted not later than six years ago (except for students diagnosed after 18 years).
A student who has never been diagnosed and wants to undergo a MOXO exam can contact Adar and receive assistance in coordinating a date.
Modifications in examinations:
- The modification accompanied by the ADHD diagnosis is an addition to examination time.
- Obtaining modifications such as a formulas page and being examined in a classroom with a limited number of pupils – is subject to recommendation by the diagnostician and the severity of the ADHD and its character.
- Receiving special modifications, such as announcing the questionnaire, and writing the examination on a computer, is subject to proof that ADHD affects the student's basic learning functioning. In this case, the student is asked to present a didactic diagnosis.
The date and the manner for the diagnosis's submission:
The diagnosis must be submitted upon registration for the studies so it will be possible to obtain the modified exam conditions already during the first studies semester.
The last date for the diagnosis's submission: until the end of the seventh week after the semester's start. Handling the diagnoses submitted later will be postponed to the following semester.
The address for receiving information and sending the diagnoses:
Adar Richlis; [email protected]
Telephone: 08-9378631