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The undergraduate degree in Business Administration at the Peres Academic Center was structures by the top lecturers, businesspeople, and specialists in Israel with a comprehension that in a renewing and challenging technological world, and in a field which in its foundations is multidisciplinary, the students must be allowed to structure the degree to fit them personally. A degree that will allow them to begin and shape their way as managers and businesspeople already during their studies. The unique studies program was even so structures to allow an optimal combination between academic knowledge that is the front of progress and research in the world and between applicable tools and practical skills that will serve the students during their career.

ד"ר ירון אמזלג - ראש החוג לתואר ראשון במנהל עסקים במרכז האקדמי פרס
The head of the class
The studies format

Morning / evening track of studies selection
* In all tracks there is an additional day with an online program

Program duration

3 years

Starting dates

March 2025 | October 2025

Why study for an undergraduate degree in Business Administration at the Peres Academic Center

What are the studies for the degree

Under the studies for the degree in Business Administration we will consider current issues, analyze events from the industry and qualify you to cope with the current management challenges. Undergraduate studies for the degree in Business Administration are multi-disciplinary and structured with a variety of subjects in knowledge fields which include amongst others, marketing, finance and accounting, human resources management, initiative, law, information systems, economy, and more. The combination of knowledge and practices in those fields builds the infrastructure for managing businesses and organizations.

peres plus magazine - Advanced certificate studies combined with the degree

Over the past decade, many private investors, investment companies, and institutional investors have increased their investment in yielding and other real estate assets around the world. The real estate sector has taken a major segment of every investment portfolio.

The Peres Academic Center Plus Degree in Real Estate and Mortgage Consulting provides an entrance ticket into this fascinating world. Students will conduct an in-depth study of the real estate industry in Israel and worldwide, getting to know its unique terms and characteristics. The students will later be introduced to the world of mortgages, acquiring theoretical and practical experience in real estate and mortgages, as well as practical tools for analyzing mortgage portfolios and professionally accompanying families and investors seeking to invest in real estate.

The program aims to provide students with the tools and competencies needed for strategically managing the online sales platform suited for company needs. The program will address the customer journey process - from lead to purchase, presenting the technological and logistical tools from sale to supply.

Over the past decades, marketing has been revolutionized as a majority of the marketing activities and sales efforts shifted from commercial media channels (radio/television/journalism) to the Internet and social networks.

The high demand for skilled and professional digital experts who can take key positions is continuously growing. The digital marketing track provides students with extensive theoretical knowledge relating to the dynamic world of digital marketing. In addition, the program will provide students with practical tools for website construction and promotion, as well as the development of a marketing program dedicated to the digital and social network arena. Program graduates will be able to find positions in this lucrative and dynamic field.

The Corona pandemic and the political/social/economic crisis, in Israel and worldwide, have enhanced the understanding that one of the most efficient tools held by organizations and companies coping with risks and market fluctuations, is the brand. 

Large brands build their brand value in times of crisis. They stand out by examining how their brand can be useful during a crisis. They invest in their customers, employees, suppliers and distributors. The Peres Academic Center Brand Management program provides theoretical and practical tools for coping with the challenges relating to developing, leveraging, protecting, and retaining strong and effective brands, both in the commercial business world and in the political world.

תואר פלוס זה מקנה מיומנויות גישור בניהול. במסגרת התוכנית יתורגלו מיומנויות הגישור, כולל הקשבה ברמות השונות, זיהוי הצרכים של המשתתפים וכלים להבאת הצדדים לכדי הסכמות.

בקורס ירכשו ויתורגלו שפה, הרגלי חשיבה, ומיומנויות המשמשים בעולם הגישור כמו טכניקות שונות לניהול מו”מ, הקשבה ברמות שונות, זיהוי צרכים ואינטרסים של המשתתפים וכלים להבאת הצדדים לכדי הסכמות. כלים אלה יסייעו למשתתפים בפתרון קונפליקטים בחיי המשפחה והעבודה ובהשגת תוצאות טובות ואיכותיות על בסיס מקצועי, תוך שמירה על מערכות יחסים תקינות לאורך זמן. הגישור ככלי ניהולי מקנה משנה סדורה של שלבים, תהליכים ומיומנויות המאפשרים כל זאת. הקורס הינו בשיתוף עם חברת בר-שיח.

Specializations in the undergraduate studies in Business Administration


The specialization in marketing will deal with deepening the knowledge in those fields, with an emphasis on UpToDate and relevant applications for the modern business world. The student will be exposed to marketing theories and strategies, which are a vital component in the company’s activity and success.

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Variety of courses in this field includes courses on investments management, the capital market, banking, taxes, real-estate and mortgages consulting, logistics and acquisition, pension and more.

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The specialization includes four courses in which the students’ study how the information system operates and how it can be harnessed for the organization’s benefit.

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The real estate specialization program includes three courses as well as presenting a final project in the specialization field (Real Estate).

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In the field of human resources management, you will be exposed to theories and strategies in the fields of training, the recruitment, management, and organization.

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What do you do with the degree

The studies of business administration are an excellent gate for whoever wishes to get into the labor market, and a good step for those who wish to advance in it. Whoever dreams of managing his own business, or integrate in senior positions in businesses, will benefit from the fruits of a degree in business administration, which opens for its graduates many possibilities to develop the career in different courses, according to the personal fields of interest and skills.

Be introduced to Matan, a graduate of a first degree in Business Administration.

Stories by students and graduates

"The studies at Peres are an outstanding experience; in addition to the regular degree studies, many workshops and enriching content are offered. I participated in the Hackeru training program, in which I acquired relevant knowledge for the labor marke."

testimonial Nofar Tshuva

נופר תשובה - בוגרת תואר ראשון במנהל עסקים, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Nofar Tshuva

A Business Administration undergraduate studies graduate

Automation manager at UM Digital

Available for any question by you

The studies program gave me the opportunity to combine the Business Administration undergraduate studies with work, friends, and leisure time. The lecturers and College faculty are the best in their field.

testimonial Daniel Biton

דניאל ביטון - בוגרת תואר ראשון במנהל עסקים, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Daniel Biton

Business Administration Graduate

Joint manager at E.D.I Energy

Degree Plus provided me with a broad vision of my field and an advantage in the labor market over other candidates.

testimonial Nitzan Levin

ניצן לוין - בוגרת תואר ראשון במנהל עסקים, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Nitzan Levin

Business Administration Graduate

Internal Marketing Manager and employer's branding, Somech Chaikin KPMG

To all stories
אייקון תנאי קבלה

Admission conditions to Business Administration [B.A.]

Candidates that meet the following conditions will be admitted to the program:

  • Matriculation average of 95 and above – automatic Admission as regular status students.
  • Matriculation average ranging between 85 and 95 – Admission under condition, passage to 2nd year subject to a grade average of at least 70 in the core courses.
  • Candidates with full matriculation above the age of 30 – automatic admission.
  • Candidates with no matriculation above the age of 30 – Admission after passing preparatory course for those age 30+.

* in this program the admission of exceptional candidates is possible to a scope of 10% based on consideration of exceptional life circumstances.

At the time of registration, the candidate must submit the following documents:

  • Israeli matriculation certificate or alternatively a confirmation of equivalence to a matriculation certificate by the Department of the Evaluation of Degrees and Diplomas in the Ministry of Education
  • Appendix of a psychometric exam
  • Completed registration forms
  • Photocopy of identification certificate including the appendix
  • Tow passport photos
  • Tuition for the first degree

Questions and answers

Undergraduate degree in Business Administration opens to its graduates a wide range of employment possibilities. As such, the fields of study are diverse: economy, marketing, negotiation management, and a variety of other areas providing our students the tools to become the businesspeople of tomorrow.

In the undergraduate studies in Business Administration, there are 5 courses of specialization: marketing, human resources, financing and accounting, information systems management, and real estate. Additionally, the students can learn and receive practical certificates (Degree Plus) in a variety of areas.

The Degree Plus is a unique path providing a variety of professional certificates already during the degree studies.
In the undergraduate degree in Business Administration there is a selection of certificates providing our graduates a clear advantage in the labor market: digital marketing graduate certificate, mediator certificate, brand manager certificate, and more.
Here you can find the complete list of professional certificates.
labor market. Click here to see them.

The Admission conditions are detailed here, however, Admission of exceptional candidates is possible to a scope of 10% based on consideration of exceptional life circumstances.

Three days, of which one day is online studies only.

Currently and until further notice on the subject, studies are conducted in a combined format: Frontal studies on campus are possible or learning online – at the student’s choice (except for specific courses). For complete information, leave your details and a studies consultant will contact you.

The Peres Academic Center is the only academic institute in Israel offering a course with secured work. Graduates in Business Administration taking the course of Digital Marketing receive a contractual undertaking for work in hi-tech upon graduation.

Indeed, most of our students successfully combine studies and work, so that practical experience can be gained already during the time of studies. In addition, the Level Up program places students, during their last year of studies for the degree, in leading organizations in industry.

Indeed, the Level Up program offers the students practical experience in leading organizations in industry already during the studies, establish contacts with seniors in industry, and experience in practice practical work. Among the participating organizations in the program are: Mizrahi Tefahot, Israel Electric Corporation, Tnuva, Proctor and Gamble Israel, and more.

The Peres Academic Center operates a variety of internal and external scholarships plans on a voluntary base or on a socio-economic base, which assist many students in financing their studies towards a degree. You can read about those plans here.

Certainly! With the assistance of the “Career Development Unit” the Center successfully places many graduates and students. The Career Development Unit provides a full cover from the stage of curriculum vitae preparation to the placement stage.

Certainly. “Companies Course“, is an innovative learning program accompanied by the seniors of the leading companies in the market, granting practical knowledge and real tools that will cause you to fall in love with your career. In the undergraduate degree in Business Administration, the students will attend full courses led by seniors from the following organizations: UMD Advertising Agency, Ayalon Insurance Company, The Israel Association of Purchasing and Logistics managers, and more.

Indeed, there is a possibility for a fast track to a first degree and graduate degree in Business Administration in only four years. Additionally, there is a possibility of an undergraduate degree in Business Administration and a graduate degree in Organizational Consulting and Development in four years.

10 Shimon Peres Street, Rehovot. Here are all the ways to reach us by public transportation.

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