Students who have taken a psychometric exam must submit their grade to the Counselling and Records Director (original letter from the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation + photo signed with a loyal trustee), their current level will be determined by English results in this exam.
English courses payments
Evaluation of English level + payment
English studies are one of the requirements of the Council for Higher Education for undergraduate degrees. Thus, obtaining an undergraduate degree from the Peres Academic Center is contingent upon proof of English proficiency. Furthermore, compliance with all English requirement is a prerequisite for progressing on to the third year in all study programs. To this end, the Peres Academic Center offers courses at pre-basic, basic and advanced levels. The purpose of these courses is to provide students with the ability to read English texts at a university level and to allow each student to progress gradually to the level of the exemption required for the degree, as per relevant table. To determine the level of knowledge in English, all students are required to participate in the evaluation procedure outlined below: each student’s current level of English is determined at the Peres Academic Center based on one of the evaluation exams described below, or based on the grades awarded by another university and reflected in their report.
Students who have not taken a psychometric exam or do not want their English level to be determined according to the English grade from the psychometric exam, may take the Amir test or the Amiram test. Amiram tests take place several times a year and are conducted by the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation. Participation in them involves a payment that is transferred to the National Institute. Specific dates and registration arrangements will be announced accordingly and separately.
External exam cost – 260 NIS (as of today). A student who chooses to take the exam again will be required to pay for each exam individually. Please note, a one-month break is required between each exam.
Each student who takes the external exam will present the voucher he has paid for in order to take the exam. You can take the exams at the National Institute for Testing and Evaluation. Exam dates will be announced separately.
Screening tests will not be publicized and cannot be appealed on. Any student who wishes to improve his or her grade will do so in accordance with the rules.
A student who will be embedded into one of the following levels; Pre-Basic A or Pre-Basic B or Basic, you will be required to begin English studies from the first semester at the Center. A student who is graded as an Advanced A or Advanced B level may begin English at any time during his or her first year.
Completion of English duties up to the exemption level, advanced B, will be carried out no later than the end of the year previous to the last year of study and is required in order to continue studies accordingly.
- Ignorance of the rules and regulations does not constitute excusable neglect.
- The responsibility for making the payments lies with the student.
- Personal messages will not be sent to those students who have not made the required payment.
- It is recommended to ensure that the Bank has transferred the payments to The Tuition Fee Department.
- Do not wait for messages requesting payment.
- Delays in the payment of fees will incur interest at a rate of 5% per month or part thereof and in addition, all services rendered by management and to
- which the student is entitled will be suspended.
- Please follow the Center’s regulations in order to avoid any unpleasantness such as the blocking of the school’s information portal, internet services, library services, access to exams etc.