Areas of studies
Ethics in Psychotherapeutic Work
Dr. Shahaf Bitan is an expert clinical psychologist. He holds a bachelor’s degree from Tel Aviv University and master’s and doctoral degrees from Ben-Gurion University. His doctoral dissertation focused on the connection between psychoanalysis and philosophy through the psychoanalyst Donald Winnicott and the philosopher Jacques Derrida. In this work, he explored how these two thinkers’ use of the theme of play as central to their thinking intersects with issues related to the perception of the subject and the relationship to otherness.
Dr. Bitan teaches at Ben-Gurion University, Eilat Campus. He previously taught at the School of Psychotherapy in the Continuing Education Unit of the Department of Social Work at Bar-Ilan University, and in the ‘New Wave’ program for integrative psychotherapy at the Interdisciplinary Center. He conducts courses on personality theories and psychopathology, as well as seminars on theoretical research in psychoanalysis.
Dr. Bitan supervises at ‘AMCHA’ Rehovot, and provides therapy and supervision in a private clinic in Rehovot.