Holds a Master’s degree in Rehabilitation-Clinical Psychology and a Ph.D. with honors in Psychology. Her doctoral dissertation topic was “Awareness of Cognitive and Emotional State Among People with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Its Relation to Seeking Medical Advice”. Her research areas focus on changes occurring in awareness with age among healthy adults and those with cognitive decline, as well as the psychological implications of exposure to direct and indirect trauma (secondary traumatization). She worked as a lecturer in the Psychology Department at Ariel University for over a decade and was highly regarded by her students. On the clinical side, she works as a psychologist specializing in rehabilitation at the Loewenstein Rehabilitation Medical Center. She has experience in neuropsychological assessment and treatment of adults coping with brain events, diseases and disabilities, physical and mental traumas, anxiety, and loss. She believes in connecting theory with clinical practice, aiming to improve both academic discourse and practical applications in psychology.