The program for the excelling in the School of Law includes several initiatives intended for the students with high achievement, who have the curiosity and desire to delve into the field of Law. The program offers a number of initiatives, each emphasizing another Law facet of legal thought and practice. Admission to each of the courses is subject to high studies achievements and an admission interview.
Excelling Workshop - Law and Culture
In the Legal world there is an attempt to bring to the light of reason the latent, beastly, and impulsive, and introduce it into legal categories. Writers, playwrights, and directors use Law to organize into a rational and moral framework, the irrational, out of the impulse to take control of the chaos in the human existence. The way we behave is influenced by the Law and simultaneously, creates it. In the Excelling Workshop "Law and Culture" we shall conduct discussions and review texts from various sources, amongst others, literature, theater, and movies. We will analyze the legal happening, exposing to us the destructive and constructive load of the language. The discussion serving the legal proceeding exposes the significance, power of control, and manipulativeness of the word. We shall discover a complementary and different outlook on the world of law and adjudication. A major part of the workshop's lectures will be devoted to guest lecturers who will concentrate on a certain cultural creation and analyze it thru a legal prism, discussing it with the students.
Assistance clinics for judges in the magistrate courts:
The judge's assistance clinics in the magistrate court are unique clinics combining students' theoretical and practical activity under the guidance of judges in the central and southern districts courts. The clinics provide the participating students with a unique opportunity to experience in depth the world of legal decision making, exposure already during the period of studies, to the work of the judge, and get a rare glimpse of the daily work in his chamber. The students are partners to the deliberations, to the current legal work on legal files, and will work adjacent to the judge's chamber.
The Litigation Workshop: the Staged Trial:
The "Staged Trial" Workshop is intended for the third-year students for the undergraduate degree in Law at the Peres Academic Center. It is intended to enable the students to get to know at close range the field of litigation and the work of all the parties involved in the legal process, and provide the students with theoretical and practical knowledge and experience in litigation before legal instances. Additionally, the workshop is intended to improve the verbal and written expression ability of the participants and develop the ability to present their arguments in a convincing way. The participants will engage during the year in theoretical and practical work.
In addition to learning basic litigation skills, the workshop will concentrate on a preparation for an appearance in the staged trial. The staged trial will included an analysis of a practical legal issue and the development of an argument; written argumentation – preparation of statements of claims, issues in witnesses interrogations, oral argument. The preparation for the staged trial will be in several stages: presentation of the issues to be deliberated on during the staged trial and study its "World of Content"; preparation of a draft of a statement of arguments and its submission to the instructors; personal guidance for the students to improve their performances; preparation of the final statement of arguments; verbal argumentation before judges, students and lecturers.
During the staged trial itself, part of the workshop students who will be selected during the year by the instructors will argue. The staged trial will be conducted before a cadre of senior judges and in the presence of students in the School of Law and lecturers.
A seminar project under personal guidance:
The project's purpose is to broaden the offer of subjects in the seminar courses, as customary il Law Faculties around the world. Students with high achievements and research and writing ability will be free to address each team member of at least a doctoral degree and arrange for the team member to provide personal guidance.
The project is possible because the students are required to study a pro-seminar in which they study the fundamentals of scientific writing.