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Graduate degree in Business Administration
with a Specialization in Strategic Business Consulting

Head of the specialization: Dr. Tali Te’eni

Specializing in strategic business consulting provides the knowledge, skills and tools required for consulting and accompaniment of companies in strategic and business aspects.

The specialization will enable the strategic consultants to cope with the consulting challenges – diagnosis of the central problems of the organization, forming the business strategy for the organization and assimilation of processes for the strategy’s implementation. The specialization obligates the mandatory courses: Marketing Management, Advanced Strategic Management, Organizational Behavior, and three unique and in-depth elective courses in the fields of strategic consulting.

For whom is intended a graduate degree in Business Administration and a specialization in Strategic Business Consulting

The specialization in Business Strategic Consulting is intended for mangers and entrepreneurs in small and large organizations interested in strategy and wish to advance in the managerial echelon of the organization and reach senior managerial jobs.

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