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Students and graduates of the Peres Academic Center talk about their learning experience.


This Program has given me so much. Beyond academics, it provides a personal support system that helps you cope both professionally and emotionally. Suddenly, I felt that I was not alone.

גלעד גרמה

Gilad Garame

A law undergraduate student and a graduate with a master’s degree in organizational consultancy and development

Participating in the “Oz in Academia” Program.


Honestly? I didn’t expect such a support system. Peres Academic Center provided us with a living stipend, mentors, and dedicated personal guidance – everything we need to succeed!

אדם אברמוב

Adam Abramov

An undergraduate student in Management Information Systems

Participant in the “Oz in Academia” Program


The Menomdain-Peres program for managers is an opportunity to integrate meaningful learning into my busy professional and personal life, which can add another layer to my social responsibility as a CEO in a large industry.

The program, which allows for an in-depth and educational introduction to leaders and entrepreneurs from various industries and businesses, shows how innovative solutions can be implemented which will increase the positive impact on society as a whole.

יפתח עצמון

Yiftach Atzmon

CEO of the Coffee and Confectionery Division, Strauss Group


In recent years, I have been following with concern the rift in our country. The sense of closeness between different groups in Israeli society inspires in me into a strong desire to influence and promote constructive discourse and solutions that will bring about unity and solidarity. I feel that through the Menomadin-Peres initiative for managers, I have the space to contribute, lead teams and create a positive bond between group members.

אלון קור

Alon Kor

Chief Technology Officer, VMware


The news about the Menomadin-Peres initiative for managers made me feel that this is the right place for me, especially at this time. It’s all about a bunch of guys looking for ways to make the place where we live better for us and for generations to come. I believe that this group will be able to do many significant things and I am excited to be a part of it.

הדר אמיר

Hadar Amir

CO-founder, Sheba Beyond


Having spent 16 years as a lawyer, the events of October 2023 were a turning point in my life. I felt ashamed for having neglected the country that I truly love, despite my professional success. I decided to devote considerable time to Israel’s future, beyond volunteering for reserve duty. The program caught my attention as the perfect platform for attaining leadership tools and linking to others with a similar vision, with the foal of working together towards a better future for our country.

נמרוד ורומן

Nimrod Vroman

VP Growth, Arnon Tadmor-Levi Law Offices: CEO & Founder, Ark Empowerment, and Consiglieri


Having been raised and educated on love for our country, and as someone who sees himself, particularly in our current times, as committed both as a citizen and an individual, to continuing Israel’s existence and stability, I believe that the unique training track initiated by managers will provide me with deeper knowledge of the processes and conflicts which highlight the disparities between religion and state.

שחר אזרחי

Shahar Ezrachi

VP Engineering, Ashdar


The recent period, and serving in Gaza, have shown me the vast disparity between the business world in which I operate, and state institutions and organizations. My exposure to new people and sectors is, from my perspective, an immense challenge, and makes me want to influence and bring about a better future for our country through the Peres-Menomadin Executive Initiative, which provides me with an opportunity to receive tools that enable bridging these disparities.

עידו אילן אורן

Ido Oren

VP Finances, in leading companies


It is precisely in the current era, where disorder and distrust dominate our daily lives, that each of us is requires to act and impact. This is the only way we can continue to raise future generations of excellence, and promote the plethora of ideas that this unique nation of ours can offer, both to itself and to the world at large. Thank you for the privilege of being able to join group activities that lead to change.

לבנת מזרחי רינסקי

Livnat Mizrahi Rinsky

CEO, IBI Investment House


The ability to lead change depends on two components: the first is us, our motivation and wish to instigate and act; the second is our interconnections, and the multifaceted nature existing and linking diverse sectors which, together, create the synergy of knowledge which comes to bear in leading change. The personal component, personal motivation, is what I contain; the group component is the Initiative.


Dr. Efrat Danino

Director, Nursing Academy, Shamir Medical Center


My wife, children, and I are all studying at the Peres Academic Center for various degrees, and it is a home for us for personal and professional growth; thanks to the program, I was able to integrate into the health system during my studies

Morris Erez

a bachelor’s degree graduate of Health Systems Administration

Head of Oral and Maxillofacial Administration at Clalit


.Coming from the healthcare industry, I heard a lot about the different programs and lecturers at the Center, and in retrospect, it was the ideal place to kickstart my career

Ilana Tavor

a bachelor’s degree graduate of Health Systems Administration and pursuing a master’s in Organizational Consulting and Development


.Hybrid learning has been going well, thanks to the amazing lecturers who go out of their way to be available to students at all times and through any means to ensure our success

Hadas Yosef

A bachelor’s degree student in Health Systems Administration


“Finally, following a long period on Zoom, I arrived at the AI BOOTCAMP workshop center, the workshop was very successful and informative, thank you to the Peres Academic Center for the initiative”.

Yaron Orni

M.A. student in law without jurists

participated in the AI BOOTCAMP program


“AI BOOTCAMP workshops gave me a new perspective on the world of work and a variety of self-development options using what I learned. I feel that the Peres Academic Center is doing everything in its power to help students succeed!”

Daniel Hayek Katz

Undergraduate student in Information Systems Management

participated in AI BOOTCAMP workshops


“The personal attitude and professionalism at the Peres Academic Center is above and beyond, the center goes out of its way providing students with options for development, for example getting to know the world of artificial intelligence in AI BOOTCAMP lectures which provided me with essential tools for working”.

Yifat Kedem Yahel

MBA student

participated in AI BOOTCAMP workshops


The MENTORS HR program helped me carve out a path for personal growth and exploration in new areas of interest within my workplace. Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this process

Lina Zafrani

Master's Degree in Organizational Consulting and Development

Participated as a member in the Human Resources Director's group at Harish Municipality


The studies program gave me the opportunity to combine the Business Administration undergraduate studies with work, friends, and leisure time. The lecturers and College faculty are the best in their field.

דניאל ביטון - בוגרת תואר ראשון במנהל עסקים, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Daniel Biton

Business Administration Graduate

Joint manager at E.D.I Energy


“The studies at Peres are an outstanding experience; in addition to the regular degree studies, many workshops and enriching content are offered. I participated in the Hackeru training program, in which I acquired relevant knowledge for the labor marke.”

נופר תשובה - בוגרת תואר ראשון במנהל עסקים, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Nofar Tshuva

A Business Administration undergraduate studies graduate

Automation manager at UM Digital

Available for any question by you

Degree Plus provided me with a broad vision of my field and an advantage in the labor market over other candidates.

ניצן לוין - בוגרת תואר ראשון במנהל עסקים, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Nitzan Levin

Business Administration Graduate

Internal Marketing Manager and employer's branding, Somech Chaikin KPMG


The level of the degree obtained in the Center is among the highest in the country, both from the aspect of career opportunities opened for the graduates as well as the aspect of the academic team.

ליטל יוחנן - בוגרת תואר ראשון במדעי התזונה, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Lital Yochanan

Graduate of Nutrition Sciences

Working as a confectioner in "Little Cookies"


The great advantage of the studies at the Peres Academic Center is their being practical. It is possible to harness immediately the tolls and skills for practical performance. It begins already at the stage of searching for work, the innovative and UpToDate knowledge the graduate demonstrates during his work interview.

כפיר לוי - בוגר תואר ראשון במנהל עסקים במסלול שיווק, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Kfir Levi

Graduate – undergraduate degree in Business Administration in Marketing course of studies


I made the choice to study at the “Peres Academic Center” because of an attractive studies program, not intensive, allowing me to work and combine my daily life in a calm manner. There is here an amazing support. There is always someone to turn to when reinforcement in material or anything else is needed.

חנה (נצ'ו) אימוני - בוגרת תואר ראשון במדעי ההתנהגות, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Hannah (Natshu) Imuni

Graduate of undergraduate studies in Behavioral Sciences.

Works in Neurofeedback therapy


The Peres Academic Center opened for me a variety of possibilities for integrating in academia, and amongst others I was fortunate to assist one of the lecturers as aa research assistant in the filed of psychology. This opportunity strengthened in me the desire and motivation to continue to an advanced degree in academia. 

חני שורץ - בוגרת תואר ראשון במדעי ההתנהגות וסטודנטית לתואר שני בפסיכולוגיה חינוכית במרכז האקדמי פרס

Hani Schwartz

Graduate of undergraduate studies in Behavioral Sciences and a student toward a graduate degree in Educational Psychology.


The degree in Managerial Information Systems emphasizes the characterization of systems and learning them in the most optimal and efficient way. With other tools I acquired during the studies, such as getting familiar with databases, systems integration, storage, communication etc.

יצחק לביאל - בוגר תואר ראשון במערכות מידע ניהוליות, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Yitzhak Laviel

Graduate of a first degree in Managerial Information Systems.

Currently working as an Azure Cloud architect at Malam-Team.


The degree in Managerial Information Systems is very diverse, and the studies program includes practical subjects from the computerization worlds as well as courses about processes management, building, and assimilation of strategies. 

ליאל אמסלם - בוגרת תואר ראשון במערכות מידע ניהוליות, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Liel Amsalem

Graduate of a first degree in Managerial Information Systems.

Currently working as Customer Success Engineer at Infinigrow Company.


The courses are very relevant and provide many tools for coping in situations at work; the studied subjects provide a variety of angles for coping with dilemma in the field.

Hadar Yager

Human Resources student.

Working as a projects manager in the customers relations department headquarters at Bezeq.


The current labor market is more demanding, and I wanted to be ready. The possibility to receive professional certificates already during the degree studies provides a significant advantage for the graduates of the Peres Academic Center

שי חרמון - בוגר תואר ראשון בניהול משאבי אנוש, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Shai Hermon

First degree graduate in Human Resources Management.


The accommodations made by the College during the Corona challenging period, are a proof of professionalism and borderless aspiration for excellence. 

יוליה פודולסקי - סטודנטית לתואר ראשון במנהל מערכות בריאות במרכז האקדמי פרס

Yuliya Podolsky

Undergraduate student of Health Systems Management

Currently working as commercial manager and business development for a brand by an Israeli fashion designer.


The chance to success starts thru studies at the Peres Academic Center! A unique studying experience and receiving tools from leading lecturers in their field, with enrichment, empowerment of knowledge and leading for excellence.

ורד דוידיאן - סטודנטית לתואר ראשון במנהל מערכות בריאות במרכז האקדמי פרס

Vered Davidian

Undergraduate student in Health Services management

Operations coordinator at Psagot Playgrounds Company


The degree in Health Services Management is both challenging as well as enjoyable and provides the student with a jumping board towards continued studies and a career.

אושרת מאיר - בוגרת תואר ראשון במנהל מערכות בריאות, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Oshrat Meir

A graduate of health Services Management.


I chose to study in the Nutrition Sciences course, a subject which very much appealed to me in person because I am engage in fitness and thought about combining both. The subject is very interesting, and I am hopeful that I will be successful down the road with the knowledge and experience, a circle of body health, and in addition bring added value to the profession I have chosen in combination of sport and health.

נאור קראווני - בוגר תואר ראשון במדעי התזונה, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Naor Karawani

A graduate of Nutrition Sciences


The studies benefited me in many aspects, whether in the academic field, the social or the professional. I received tools for my profession as a nutritionist as well as for all other aspects of life.

שי-לי ברקוביץ - סטודנטית לתואר ראשון במדעי התזונה במרכז האקדמי פרס

Shi-lee Berkowitz

Nutrition Sciences student


The lecturers here turn into friends always available for questions. You can see a lecturer sitting in the cafeteria with students on a cup of coffee interested not only in the studies, but also in their personal life. Also, when you start looking for training position, the lecturers are interested whether you have found a place to practice, and how they can assist.

גבריאל זובוק - בוגר תואר ראשון במשפטים, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Gabriel Zobok

Graduate of Law

Apprentice at the Koblanko Zarnopolsky Law Firm.


I chose to study at the Peres Academic Center because the lecturers are excellent, the team is professional, the arsenal of tools I received during the degree studies is huge, and all of this is but the tip of the iceberg. A tip for beginning students –If you have made the decision to study for an academic degree, invest in your personal development! 

עידו ופנר - בוגר תואר שני במנהל עסקים, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Ido Wafner

Graduate in Business Administration

Deputy manager of technologies and development at Amdocs.


All along the degree there is an envelope covering you. Lecturers always available for questions, an exerciser who until this very day stays connected with everyone checking to see if they get along during the training period, a complete unit actively assisting in finding a good place for practicing. You feel protected during the entire degree studies.

אוריאן חנן - בוגרת תואר ראשון במשפטים, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Orian Hanan

Graduate of Law

Apprentice at the court in Rishon Le Zion


The studies experience in the Peres Academic Center combines professionalism, personal development, and most important, humanity and providing personal response. No doubt I will exit to the labor market with tools promising success in the legal field.

Andrea Rubinsky

Graduate of first degree in Law


The studies level for the degree is very high. With the knowledge I acquired, I can start already now work in the field and gain considerable experience.

ג'סיקה מרצין - בוגרת תואר ראשון במערכות מידע ניהוליות, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Jessica Marzin

A graduate of undergraduate studies in Managerial Information Systems


The Peres Academic Center provides a sense of a boutique institution and for me is constitutes an academic home. What is so unique here is the combination between professionalism and the high academic level and between the feeling of homeliness. 

שירן שרון - בוגרת תואר שני בייעוץ ופיתוח ארגוני, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Shiran Sharon

Graduate in Organizational Consulting and Development

Organizational Consultant in the Unit for Organizational Excellence in the BDO Company


The lecturers are serious, highly experienced and bring to the classroom a lot of their rich experience by case descriptions. This way, they not only provide knowledge but also the treatment experience. Additionally, significant friendships are created here among the students, which intensifies the pleasure of arriving for the studies and meet the friends.

שיר זמיר - בוגרת תואר שני בפסיכולוגיה חינוכית, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Shir Zamir

Master's degree graduate in educational psychology

Therapist in the Psychological-Educational sevices, Kfar Saba


To summarize the uniqueness of the graduate degree in educational psychology, it is the practice. You study a lot of theory, but also a lot of practice: treatment methods, work with teachers and parents, teamwork, work under situations of emergency, work with early age, and more. 

טל אבן-חן פטר - בוגרת תואר שני בפסיכולוגיה חינוכית, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Tal Even-Chen peter

Master's degree graduate in educational psychology

Psychologist in the educational psychological service


The studies and simulations provided me with many tools for conduct with managers and workers teams and assisted me in coping with building work plans. I maintain personal touch with the lecturers and arrive to consult with them in the areas of human resources in which I am currently engaged with in the GET Company.

יוגב גולדיס - בוגר תואר ראשון ושני במנהל עסקים, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Yogev Goldis

Graduate of the first and second degrees I Business Administration.



The Peres Academic Center provides a sense of a boutique institution and constitutes for me an academic home. What is so special here is the combination of professionalism and high academic level and a sense of homeliness. 

עידו אינבינדר - בוגר לתואר שני בייעוץ ופיתוח ארגוני, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Ido Invinder

Graduate with a master's degree in Consulting and Organizational Development

Human Resources Manager at Channel 13 News


I chose to study at the Peres Academic Center because it enables combining work, parenthood, and studies. The lecturers have experience in the business world, and in general, the people here are amazing! I decided to study Organizational Consulting and Development because I established a business six years ago and it was important for me to study and acquire tools simultaneously with the experience I accumulated.

ליזי אלקבס - בוגרת תואר שני בייעוץ ופיתוח ארגוני, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Lizi Alkavas

Graduate in organizational Consulting and Development


Despite my apprehensions regarding the undergraduate degree, I can say with confidence that I have made the best choice to study at Peres from the aspect of lecturers, standard and personal and warm treatment.

קים סאיג - סטודנטית שנה ג' לתואר ראשון במדעי התנהגות במרכז האקדמי פרס

Kim Saig

Third year student in Behavioral Sciences

Available for any question

The studies in the Peres Academic Center are a positive experience, the lecturers are professionals and amazing, the flexibility of the studies program made it possible for me to conquer targets and continue to aspire forward.

ורד אשכנזי - סטודנטית שנה ג' לתואר ראשון במשאבי אנוש במרכז האקדמי פרס

Vered Ashkenazi

Third year student in Human Resources Management

Available for any question.

I received amazing tools already as a student, due to the privilege of specializing in a huge company

אוריאן רבאני - בוגרת תואר ראשון במנהל עסקים, המרכז האקדמי פרס

Oryan Rabani

Bachelor's degree in Business Administration

Human Resources, DHL, Level Up graduate

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