Rector of the Peres Academic Center. Served as the Dean of the Faculty of Law in Bar ilan University (2001-2004) and the Frank Church Chair for Legal Research. In addition, he formerly served as a senior (tenured) lecturer at the Faculty of Law in Tel Aviv University, and as a visiting professor at the Columbia Law School in Columbia University, New York, as well as Benjamin Cadrozo School of Law, New York. Prof. Shapira’s areas of specialty are legal procedure, law of evidence, criminal law, and mathematical formulae in legal doctrine. He has published dozens of articles in his areas of specialty in Israel, the United States, United Kingdom, Holland, and France. Prof. Shapira won the Raoul Wallenberg Prize given by the Swedish Embassy and Tel Aviv University, in school year 1993-1994, and the Tseltner Prize for Emerging Scholars, in school year 1996-1997. Prof. Shapira is a member of the editorial board of the international journal Law, Probability and Risk, published by Oxford University Press, and is also a member of a large number of professional associations.