Dr. Zimran is a top-ranking multi-disciplinary researcher. He holds a doctoral degree in the Philosophy of Sciences, an undergraduate degree in Law, an undergraduate degree in Chemistry and Biology Sciences, and a graduate degree in Physical Chemistry and Nanotechnology, all from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Until now, he published a series of articles in Law Journals, including; Adiel Zimran and Netanel Dagan “Judicial Censorship of the Law Enforcement Authorities: Between Administrative and Criminal” Law Journal 52 (2021); Adiel Zimran, The Theological Value of Autonomy, International Journal of Constitutional Law 18 (2), (2020; Trends in the Constitutional-Criminal Law in Israel in light of the analysis of the Concepts of ‘Human Dignity,’ Law Journal 49(2) 383, (2019), and more. After his Law studies, Dr. Zimran took his training in the Supreme Court, in the Honorable Nil Hendel’s Chamber. He stayed as a guest researcher at the NYU University School of Law. During his doctoral studies, he served as a young researcher at the Israel Institute for Democracy in the Human Rights and Judaism program. During his Law studies, he served as the periodical “Laws” editor as a teaching assistant and exerciser in various courses at the Faculty of Law and the Institute of Criminology at the Hebrew University. In 2017 he won the Dean of Humanities Prize and the Pines Fund for an excellent young researcher. In 2021 he won a prize for an excellent article offered by the Israel Criminal Law Association in the field of Criminal Law (Jointly with Netanel Dagan).