Areas of studies
Dr. Ezolda Schreiber is an organizational sociologist and lecturer, working in virtual/global team management, management development, and team development. Schreiber holds a PhD in Business Administration from Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Her main research fields are: effective management of virtual teams (employee teams from different sites around the world, communicating via electronic means, such as video conferences, chats, and emails), inter-cultural differences and ways to maximize the teams’ performance. In particular, Schreiber is interested in the relationship between leadership, social process and social dynamics (such as: reliance, identification, social presence, and social interaction between the members of the global team), and organizational performance, organizational effectiveness, quality, knowledge-sharing, satisfaction, willingness to make an effort, learning, adjutment, and more. Her studies are based on quantitative analyses of data with the help of advanced statistical methods (hierarchal equations, SEM, Amos, Mplas).