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Areas of studies

Business administration, management, organizational behavior, human resources


Dr. Ezolda Schreiber is an organizational sociologist and lecturer, working in virtual/global team management, management development, and team development. Schreiber holds a PhD in Business Administration from Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Her main research fields are: effective management of virtual teams (employee teams from different sites around the world, communicating via electronic means, such as video conferences, chats, and emails), inter-cultural differences and ways to maximize the teams’ performance. In particular, Schreiber is interested in the relationship between leadership, social process and social dynamics (such as: reliance, identification, social presence, and social interaction between the members of the global team), and organizational performance, organizational effectiveness, quality, knowledge-sharing, satisfaction, willingness to make an effort, learning, adjutment, and more. Her studies are based on quantitative analyses of data with the help of advanced statistical methods (hierarchal equations, SEM, Amos, Mplas).

Academic studies

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